============= Release Notes ============= .. towncrier release notes start 1.7.2 (2019-08-02) ================== Bug Fixes --------- * Fix variable substitution in log messages. (`PR#200 `_) * Add MANIFEST.in and include tests for sample schema package. (`PR#197 `_) Documentation Improvements -------------------------- * Document the sent-at header in messages. (`PR#199 `_) * Create a quick-start guide. (`PR#196 `_) Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Adam Williamson * Aurélien Bompard * Jeremy Cline * Shraddha Agrawal v1.7.1 (2019-06-24) =================== Bug Fixes --------- * Don't declare exchanges when consuming using the synchronous :func:`fedora_messaging.api.consume` API, which was causing consuming to fail from the Fedora broker (`PR#191 `_) Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Randy Barlow * Aurélien Bompard * Jeremy Cline * Adam Williamson Documentation Improvements -------------------------- * Document some additional app properties and add a note about setting up logging in the fedora.toml and stg.fedora.toml configuration files (`PR#188 `_) * Document how to setup logging in the consuming snippets so any problems are logged to stdout (`PR#192 `_) * Document that logging is only set up for consumers (`#181 `_) * Document the :data:`fedora_messaging.config.conf` and :data:`fedora_messaging.config.DEFAULTS` variables in the API documentation (`#182 `_) v1.7.0 (2019-05-21) =================== Features -------- * "fedora-messaging consume" now accepts a "--callback-file" argument which will load a callback function from an arbitrary Python file. Previously, it was required that the callback be in the Python path (`#159 `_). Bug Fixes --------- * Fix a bug where publishes that failed due to certain connection errors were not retried (`#175 `_). * Fix a bug where AMQP protocol errors did not reset the connection used for publishing messages. This would result in publishes always failing with a ConnectionError (`#178 `_). Documentation Improvements -------------------------- * Document the ``body`` attribute on the ``Message`` class (`#164 `_). * Clearly document what properties message schema classes should override (`#166 `_). * Re-organize the consumer documentation to make the consuming API clearer (`#168 `_). Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Randy Barlow * Aurélien Bompard * Jeremy Cline * Dusty Mabe v1.6.1 (2019-04-17) =================== Bug Fixes --------- * Fix a bug in publishing where if the broker closed the connection, the client would not properly dispose of the connection object and publishing would fail forever (`PR#157 `_). * Fix a bug in the :func:`fedora_messaging.api.twisted_consume` function where if the user did not have permissions to read from the specified queue which had already been declared, the Deferred that was returned never fired. It now errors back with a :class:`fedora_messaging.exceptions.PermissionException` (`PR#160 `_). Development Changes ------------------- * Stop pinning pytest to 4.0 or less as the incompatibility with pytest-twisted has been resolved (`PR#158 `_). Other Changes ------------- * Include commands to connect to the Fedora broker in the documentation (`PR#154 `_). Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Aurélien Bompard * Jeremy Cline v1.6.0 (2019-04-04) =================== Dependency Changes ------------------ * Twisted is no longer an optional dependency: fedora-messaging requires Twisted 12.2 or greater. Features -------- * A new API, :func:`fedora_messaging.api.twisted_consume`, has been added to support consuming using the popular async framework Twisted. The fedora-messaging command-line interface has been switched to use this API. As a result, Twisted 12.2+ is now a dependency of fedora-messsaging. Users of this new API are not affected by `Issue #130 `_ (`PR#139 `_). Bug Fixes --------- * Only prepend the topic_prefix on outgoing messages. Previously, the topic prefix was incorrectly applied to incoming messages (`#143 `_). Documentation ------------- * Add a note to the tutorial on how to instal the library and RabbitMQ in containers (`PR#141 `_). * Document how to access the Fedora message broker from outside the Fedora infrastructure VPN. Users of fedmsg can now migrate to fedora-messaging for consumers outside Fedora's infrastructure. Consult the new documentation at :ref:`fedora-broker` for details (`PR#149 `_). Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Aurélien Bompard * Jeremy Cline * Shraddha Agrawal v1.5.0 (2019-02-28) =================== Dependency Changes ------------------ * Replace the dependency on ``pytoml`` with ``toml`` (`#132 `_). Features -------- * Support passive declarations for locked-down brokers (`#136 `_). Bug Fixes --------- * Fix a bug in the sample schema pachage (`#135 `_). Development Changes ------------------- * Switch to Mergify v2 (`#129 `_). Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Aurélien Bompard * Jeremy Cline * Michal Konečný * Shraddha Agrawal v1.4.0 (2019-02-07) =================== Features -------- * The ``topic_prefix`` configuration value has been added to automatically add a prefix to the topic of all outgoing messages. (`#121 `_) * Support for Pika 0.13. (`#126 `_) * Add a systemd service file for consumers. Development Changes ------------------- * Use Bandit for security checking. Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Aurélien Bompard v1.3.0 (2019-01-24) =================== API Changes ----------- * The :py:attr:`Message._body` attribute is renamed to ``body``, and is now part of the public API. (`PR#119 `_) Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Aurélien Bompard * Jeremy Cline v1.2.0 (2019-01-21) =================== Features -------- * The :func:`fedora_messaging.api.consume` API now accepts a "queues" keyword which specifies the queues to declare and consume from, and the "fedora-messaging" CLI makes use of this (`PR#107 `_) * Utilities were added in the :py:mod:`schema_utils` module to help write the Python API of your message schemas (`PR#108 `_) * No long require "--exchange", "--queue-name", and "--routing-key" to all be specified when using "fedora-messaging consume". If one is not supplied, a default is chosen. These defaults are documented in the command's manual page (`PR#117 `_) Bug Fixes --------- * Fix the "consumer" setting in config.toml.example to point to a real Python path (`PR#104 `_) * fedora-messaging consume now actually uses the --queue-name and --routing-key parameter provided to it, and --routing-key can now be specified multiple times as was documented (`PR#105 `_) * Fix the equality check on :class:`fedora_messaging.message.Message` objects to exclude the 'sent-at' header (`PR#109 `_) * Documentation for consumers indicated any callable object was acceptable to use as a callback as long as it accepted a single positional argument (the message). However, the implementation required that the callable be a function or a class, which it then instantiated. This has been fixed and you may now use any callable object, such as a method or an instance of a class that implements ``__call__`` (`PR#110 `_) * Fix an issue where the fedora-messaging CLI would only log if a configuration file was explicitly supplied (`PR#113 `_) Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Aurélien Bompard * Jeremy Cline * Sebastian Wojciechowski * Tomas Tomecek v1.1.0 (2018-11-13) =================== Features -------- * Initial work on a serialization format for :class:`fedora_messaging.message.Message` and APIs for loading and storing messages. This is intended to make it easy to record and replay messages for testing purposes. (`#84 `_) * Add a module, :mod:`fedora_messaging.testing`, to add useful test helpers. Check out the module documentation for details! (`#100 `_) Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Jeremy Cline * Sebastian Wojciechowski v1.0.1 (2018-10-10) =================== Bug Fixes --------- * Fix a compatibility issue in Twisted between pika 0.12 and 1.0. (`#97 `_) v1.0.0 (2018-10-10) =================== API Changes ----------- * The unused ``exchange`` parameter from the PublisherSession was removed (`PR#56 `_) * The ``setupRead`` API in the Twisted protocol has been removed and replaced with ``consume`` and ``cancel`` APIs which allow for multiple consumers with multiple callbacks (`PR#72 `_) * The name of the entry point is now used to identify the message type (`PR#89 `_) Features -------- * Ensure proper TLS client cert checking with ``service_identity`` (`PR#51 `_) * Support Python 3.7 (`PR#53 `_) * Compatibility with `Click `_ 7.x (`PR#86 `_) * The complete set of valid severity levels is now available at :data:`fedora_messaging.api.SEVERITIES` (`PR#60 `_) * A ``queue`` attribute is present on received messages with the name of the queue it arrived on (`PR#65 `_) * The wire format of fedora-messaging is now documented (`PR#88 `_) Development Changes ------------------- * Use `towncrier `_ to generate the release notes (`PR#67 `_) * Check that our dependencies have Free licenses (`PR#68 `_) * Test coverage is now at 97%. Other Changes ------------- * The library is available in Fedora as ``fedora-messaging``. Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Aurélien Bompard * Jeremy Cline * Michal Konečný * Sebastian Wojciechowski v1.0.0b1 ======== API Changes ----------- * :data:`fedora_messaging.message.Message.summary` is now a property rather than a method (`#25 `_). * The non-functional ``--amqp-url`` parameter has been removed from the CLI (`#49 `_). Features -------- * Configuration parsing failures now produce point to the line and column of the parsing error (`#21 `_). * :class:`fedora_messaging.message.Message` now come with a set of standard accessors (`#32 `_). * Consumers can now specify whether a message should be re-queued when halting (`#44 `_). * An example consumer that prints to standard output now ships with fedora-messaging. It can be used by running ``fedora-messaging consume --callback="fedora_messaging.example:printer"`` (`#40 `_). * :class:`fedora_messaging.message.Message` now have a ``severity`` associated with them (`#48 `_). Bug Fixes --------- * Fix an issue where invalid or missing configuration files resulted in a traceback rather than a formatted error message from the CLI (`#21 `_). * Client authentication with x509 now works with both the synchronous API and the Twisted API ( `#29 `_, `#35 `_). * :func:`fedora_messaging.api.publish` no longer raises a :class:`pika.exceptions.ChannelClosed` exception. Instead, it raises a :class:`fedora_messaging.exceptions.ConnectionException` (`#31 `_). * :func:`fedora_messaging.api.consume` is now documented to raise a :class:`ValueError` when the callback isn't callable (`#47 `_). Development Features -------------------- * The fedora-messaging code base is now compliant with the `Black `_ Python formatter and this is enforced with continuous integration. * Test coverage is moving up and to the right. Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Aurélien Bompard * Clement Verna * Ken Dreyer * Jeremy Cline * Miroslav Suchý * Patrick Uiterwijk * Sebastian Wojciechowski v1.0.0a1 ======== The initial alpha release for fedora-messaging v1.0.0. The API is not expected to change significantly between this release and the final v1.0.0 release, but it may do so if serious flaws are discovered in it.