Message Format

This documentation covers the format of AMQP messages sent by this library. If you are interested in using a language other than Python to send or receive messages sent by Fedora applications, this document is for you.


Messages are AMQP Basic content. Basic messages have the content type, content encoding, a table of headers, delivery mode, priority, correlation ID, reply-to, expiration, message ID, timestamp, type, user ID, and app ID fields.

Your messages MUST have a content-type of application/json and a content-encoding of utf-8. The message ID should be a version 4 UUID.



Messages must have, at a minimum, the fedora_messaging_severity, fedora_messaging_schema, and sent-at keys.

The fedora_messaging_severity key should be set to an integer that indicates the importance of the message to an end user, with 10 being debug-level information, 20 being informational, 30 being warning-level, and 40 being critically important.

The fedora_messaging_schema key should be set to a string that uniquely identifies the type of message. In the Python library this is the entry point name, which is mapped to a class containing the schema and a Python API to interact with the message object.

The sent-at key should be a ISO8601 date time that should include the UTC offset and should not include microseconds. For example: 2019-07-30T19:12:22+00:00.

The header’s json-schema is:

   "$schema": "",
   "description": "Schema for message headers",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "fedora_messaging_severity": {
         "type": "number",
         "enum": [10, 20, 30, 40],
      "fedora_messaging_schema": {"type": "string"},
      "sent-at": {"type": "string"},


In addition to the required headers, there are a number of optional headers you can set that have special meaning. The general format of these headers is fedora_messaging_<object>_<id> where the <object> is one of user, rpm, container, module, or flatpak and <id> uniquely identifies the object. Set these headers when the message pertains to the referenced object.

For example, if the user jcline submitted a build for the python-requests RPM, the message about that event would have fedora_messaging_user_jcline and fedora_messaging_rpm_python-requests set.

At this time the value of the header key is not used and should always be set to a Boolean value of true.


The message body must match the content-type and content-encoding. That is, it must be UTF-8 encoded JSON. Additionally, it must be a JSON Object. Beyond that, there are no restrictions. Messages should be validated using their JSON schema. If you are publishing a new message type, please write a json-schema for it and provide it to the Fedora infrastructure team. It will be distributed to applications that wish to consume the message.