This module defines the base class of message objects and keeps a registry of
known message implementations. This registry is populated from Python entry
points in the "fedora.messages" group.
To implement your own message schema, simply create a class that inherits the
:class:`Message` class, and add an entry point in your Python package under the
"fedora.messages" group. For example, an entry point for the :class:`Message`
schema would be::
entry_points = {
'fedora.messages': [
The entry point name must be unique to your application and is used to map
messages to your message class, so it's best to prefix it with your application
name (e.g. ``bodhi.new_update_messageV1``). When publishing, the Fedora
Messaging library will add a header with the entry point name of the class used
so the consumer can locate the correct schema.
Since every client needs to have the message schema installed, you should define
this class in a small Python package of its own.
import datetime
import json
import logging
import uuid
import jsonschema
import pika
import pkg_resources
import pytz
from . import config
from .exceptions import ValidationError
from .schema_utils import user_avatar_url
#: Indicates the message is for debugging or is otherwise very low priority. Users
#: will not be notified unless they've explicitly requested DEBUG level messages.
DEBUG = 10
#: Indicates the message is informational. End users will not receive notifications
#: for these messages by default. For example, automated tests passed for their
#: package.
INFO = 20
#: Indicates a problem or an otherwise important problem. Users are notified of
#: these messages when they pertain to packages they are associated with by default.
#: For example, one or more automated tests failed against their package.
#: Indicates a critically important message that users should act upon as soon as
#: possible. For example, their package no longer builds.
ERROR = 40
#: A tuple of all valid severity levels
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Maps string names of message types to classes and back
_schema_name_to_class = {}
_class_to_schema_name = {}
# Used to load the registry automatically on first use
_registry_loaded = False
def get_class(schema_name):
Retrieve the message class associated with the schema name.
If no match is found, the default schema is returned and a warning is logged.
schema_name (str): The name of the :class:`Message` sub-class;
this is typically the Python path.
Message: A sub-class of :class:`Message` to create the message from.
global _registry_loaded
if not _registry_loaded:
return _schema_name_to_class[schema_name]
except KeyError:
'The schema "%s" is not in the schema registry! Either install '
"the package with its schema definition or define a schema. "
"Falling back to the default schema...",
return Message
def get_name(cls):
Retrieve the schema name associated with a message class.
str: The schema name.
TypeError: If the message class isn't registered. Check your entry point
for correctness.
global _registry_loaded
if not _registry_loaded:
return _class_to_schema_name[cls]
except KeyError:
raise TypeError(
"The class {} is not in the message registry, which indicates it is"
' not in the current list of entry points for "fedora_messaging".'
" Please check that the class has been added to your package's"
" entry points.".format(repr(cls))
def load_message_classes():
"""Load the 'fedora.messages' entry points and register the message classes."""
for message in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("fedora.messages"):
cls = message.load()
"Registering the '%s' key as the '%r' class in the Message "
"class registry",
_schema_name_to_class[message.name] = cls
_class_to_schema_name[cls] = message.name
global _registry_loaded
_registry_loaded = True
def get_message(routing_key, properties, body):
Construct a Message instance given the routing key, the properties and the
body received from the AMQP broker.
routing_key (str): The AMQP routing key (will become the message topic)
properties (pika.BasicProperties): the AMQP properties
body (bytes): The encoded message body
ValidationError: If Message validation failed or message body
docoding/loading is impossible.
if properties.headers is None:
"Message (body=%r) arrived without headers. " "A publisher is misbehaving!",
properties.headers = {}
MessageClass = get_class(properties.headers["fedora_messaging_schema"])
except KeyError:
"Message (headers=%r, body=%r) arrived without a schema header."
" A publisher is misbehaving!",
MessageClass = Message
severity = properties.headers["fedora_messaging_severity"]
except KeyError:
"Message (headers=%r, body=%r) arrived without a severity."
" A publisher is misbehaving! Defaulting to INFO.",
severity = INFO
if properties.content_encoding is None:
_log.error("Message arrived without a content encoding")
properties.content_encoding = "utf-8"
body = body.decode(properties.content_encoding)
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
"Unable to decode message body %r with %s content encoding",
raise ValidationError(e)
body = json.loads(body)
except ValueError as e:
_log.error("Failed to load message body %r, %r", body, e)
raise ValidationError(e)
message = MessageClass(
body=body, topic=routing_key, properties=properties, severity=severity
_log.debug("Successfully validated message %r", message)
except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e:
_log.error("Message validation of %r failed: %r", message, e)
raise ValidationError(e)
if MessageClass.deprecated:
"A message with a deprecated schema (%s.%s) has been received on topic %r. "
"You should check the emitting application's documentation to upgrade to "
"the newer schema version.",
return message
class Message:
Messages are simply JSON-encoded objects. This allows message authors to
define a schema and implement Python methods to abstract the raw message
from the user. This allows the schema to change and evolve without breaking
the user-facing API.
There are a number of properties that are intended to be overridden by
users. These fields are used to sort messages for notifications or are
used to create human-readable versions of the messages. Properties that are
intended for this purpose are noted in their attribute documentation below.
headers (dict): A set of message headers. Consult the headers schema for
expected keys and values.
body (dict): The message body. Consult the body schema for expected keys
and values. This dictionary must be JSON-serializable by the default
topic (str): The message topic as a unicode string. If this is
not provided, the default topic for the class is used. See the
attribute documentation below for details.
properties (pika.BasicProperties): The AMQP properties. If this is not
provided, they will be generated. Most users should not need to provide
this, but it can be useful in testing scenarios.
severity (int): An integer that indicates the severity of the message. This is
used to determine what messages to notify end users about and should be
:data:`DEBUG`, :data:`INFO`, :data:`WARNING`, or :data:`ERROR`. The
default is :data:`INFO`, and can be set as a class attribute or on
an instance-by-instance basis.
id (str): The message id as a unicode string. This attribute is
automatically generated and set by the library and users should only
set it themselves in testing scenarios.
topic (str): The message topic as a unicode string. The topic
is used by message consumers to filter what messages they receive.
Topics should be a string of words separated by '.' characters,
with a length limit of 255 bytes. Because of this byte limit, it is
best to avoid non-ASCII character. Topics should start general and
get more specific each word. For example: "bodhi.update.kernel" is
a possible topic. "bodhi" identifies the application, "update"
identifies the message, and "kernel" identifies the package in the
update. This can be set at a class level or on a instance level.
Dynamic, specific topics that allow for fine-grain filtering are
headers_schema (dict): A `JSON schema <http://json-schema.org/>`_ to be used with
:func:`jsonschema.validate` to validate the message headers. For
most users, the default definition should suffice.
body_schema (dict): A `JSON schema <http://json-schema.org/>`_ to be used with
:func:`jsonschema.validate` to validate the message body. The body_schema
is retrieved on a message instance so it is not required to be a
class attribute, although this is a convenient approach. Users are
also free to write the JSON schema as a file and load the file from
the filesystem or network if they prefer.
body (dict): The message body as a Python dictionary. This is validated by
the body schema before publishing and before consuming.
severity (int): An integer that indicates the severity of the message. This is
used to determine what messages to notify end users about and should be
:data:`DEBUG`, :data:`INFO`, :data:`WARNING`, or :data:`ERROR`. The
default is :data:`INFO`, and can be set as a class attribute or on
an instance-by-instance basis.
queue (str): The name of the queue this message arrived through. This
attribute is set automatically by the library and users should never
set it themselves.
deprecated (bool): Whether this message schema has been deprecated by a more
recent version. Emits a warning when a message of this class is received,
to let consumers know that they should plan to upgrade. Defaults to
priority (int): The priority for the message, if the destination queue
supports it. Defaults to zero (lowest priority).
This value is taken into account in queues that have the ``x-max-priority``
argument set. Most queues in Fedora don't support priorities, in which case
the value will be ignored.
Larger numbers indicate higher priority, you can read more about it in
`RabbitMQ's documentation on priority`_.
.. _RabbitMQ's documentation on priority: https://www.rabbitmq.com/priority.html
severity = INFO
topic = ""
headers_schema = {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"description": "Schema for message headers",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fedora_messaging_severity": {
"type": "number",
"fedora_messaging_schema": {"type": "string"},
"sent-at": {"type": "string"},
body_schema = {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"description": "Schema for message body",
"type": "object",
deprecated = False
def __init__(
self, body=None, headers=None, topic=None, properties=None, severity=None
self.body = body or {}
if topic:
# Default is "" on base class
self.topic = topic
headers = headers or {}
if severity:
self.severity = severity
self._properties = properties or self._build_properties(headers)
self.queue = None
def _build_properties(self, headers):
# Consumers use this to determine what schema to use and if they're out
# of date.
headers = headers.copy()
headers["fedora_messaging_schema"] = get_name(self.__class__)
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
headers["sent-at"] = now.isoformat()
headers["fedora_messaging_severity"] = self.severity
# Mirror the priority in the headers for debugging purposes
headers["priority"] = config.conf["publish_priority"] or 0
message_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
return pika.BasicProperties(
def _filter_headers(self):
Add headers designed for filtering messages based on objects.
dict: Filter-related headers to be combined with the existing headers
headers = {}
properties = [
("user", "usernames"),
("group", "groups"),
("rpm", "packages"),
("container", "containers"),
("module", "modules"),
("flatpak", "flatpaks"),
for header_name, prop_name in properties:
items = getattr(self, prop_name)
except Exception:
# The message is probably invalid, don't add the header
for item in items:
headers[f"fedora_messaging_{header_name}_{item}"] = True
return headers
def _headers(self):
The message headers dictionary.
.. note: If there's a reason users want to use this interface, it can
be made public. Please file a bug if you feel you need this.
return self._properties.headers
def _headers(self, value):
self._properties.headers = value
def id(self):
return self._properties.message_id
def id(self, value):
self._properties.message_id = value
def priority(self):
return self._properties.priority or 0
def priority(self, value):
value = value or 0 # convert None to 0
self._properties.priority = value
# Mirror the priority in the headers for debugging purposes
self._headers["priority"] = value
def _encoded_routing_key(self):
"""The encoded routing key used to publish the message on the broker."""
topic = self.topic
if config.conf["topic_prefix"]:
topic = ".".join((config.conf["topic_prefix"].rstrip("."), topic))
return topic.encode("utf-8")
def _encoded_body(self):
"""The encoded body used to publish the message."""
return json.dumps(self.body).encode("utf-8")
def __repr__(self):
Provide a printable representation of the object that can be passed to func:`eval`.
return "{}(id={}, topic={}, body={})".format(
self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.id), repr(self.topic), repr(self.body)
def __eq__(self, other):
Two messages of the same class with the same topic, headers, and body are equal.
The "sent-at" header is excluded from the equality check as this is set
automatically and is dependent on when the object is created.
other (object): The object to check for equality.
bool: True if the messages are equal.
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return False
headers = self._headers.copy()
other_headers = other._headers.copy()
del headers["sent-at"]
except KeyError:
del other_headers["sent-at"]
except KeyError:
return (
self.topic == other.topic
and self.body == other.body
and headers == other_headers
def validate(self):
Validate the headers and body with the message schema, if any.
In addition to the user-provided schema, all messages are checked against
the base schema which requires certain message headers and the that body
be a JSON object.
.. warning:: This method should not be overridden by sub-classes.
jsonschema.ValidationError: If either the message headers or the message body
are invalid.
jsonschema.SchemaError: If either the message header schema or the message body
schema are invalid.
for schema in (self.headers_schema, Message.headers_schema):
'Validating message headers "%r" with schema "%r"',
jsonschema.validate(self._headers, schema)
for schema in (self.body_schema, Message.body_schema):
'Validating message body "%r" with schema "%r"', self.body, schema
jsonschema.validate(self.body, schema)
def summary(self):
A short, human-readable representation of this message.
This should provide a short summary of the message, much like the subject line
of an email.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method. It is used to create
the subject of email notifications, IRC notification, and by other
tools to display messages to humans in short form.
The default implementation is to simply return the message topic.
return self.topic
def __str__(self):
A human-readable representation of this message.
This should provide a detailed, long-form representation of the
message. The default implementation is to format the raw message id,
topic, headers, and body.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method. It is used to create
the body of email notifications and by other tools to display messages
to humans.
return "Id: {i}\nTopic: {t}\nHeaders: {h}\nBody: {b}".format(
self._headers, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")
b=json.dumps(self.body, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")),
def url(self):
An URL to the action that caused this message to be emitted.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if there is a URL
associated with message.
str or None: A relevant URL.
return None
def app_name(self):
"""The name of the application that generated the message.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method.
str or None: The name of the application.
return None
def app_icon(self):
"""An URL to the icon of the application that generated the message.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if their application
has an icon and they wish that image to appear in applications that
consume messages.
str or None: The URL to the app's icon.
return None
def agent_name(self):
"""The username of the user who caused the action.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if the message was
triggered by a particular user.
str or None: The agent's username.
return None
def agent_avatar(self):
"""An URL to the avatar of the user who caused the action.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if the default
Libravatar and OpenID-based URL generator is not appropriate.
str or None: The URL to the user's avatar.
return user_avatar_url(self.agent_name) if self.agent_name is not None else None
def usernames(self):
"""List of users affected by the action that generated this message.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if the message pertains
to a user or users. The data returned from this property is used to
filter notifications.
list(str): A list of affected usernames.
return []
def groups(self):
"""List of groups affected by the action that generated this message.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if the message pertains
to a group or groups. The data returned from this property is used to
filter notifications.
list(str): A list of affected groups.
return []
def packages(self):
"""List of RPM packages affected by the action that generated this message.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if the message pertains
to one or more RPM packages. The data returned from this property
is used to filter notifications.
list(str): A list of affected package names.
return []
def containers(self):
"""List of containers affected by the action that generated this message.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if the message pertains
to one or more container images. The data returned from this property
is used to filter notifications.
list(str): A list of affected container names.
return []
def modules(self):
"""List of modules affected by the action that generated this message.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if the message pertains
to one or more modules. The data returned from this property is
used to filter notifications.
list(str): A list of affected module names.
return []
def flatpaks(self):
"""List of flatpaks affected by the action that generated this message.
.. note:: Sub-classes should override this method if the message pertains
to one or more flatpaks. The data returned from this property is
used to filter notifications.
list(str): A list of affected flatpaks names.
return []
#: The schema for each JSON object produced by :func:`dumps`, consumed by
#: :func:`loads`, and expected by CLI commands like "fedora-messaging publish".
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"description": "Schema for the JSON object used to represent messages in a file",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"topic": {"type": "string", "description": "The message topic"},
"headers": {
"type": "object",
"properties": Message.headers_schema["properties"],
"description": "The message headers",
"id": {"type": "string", "description": "The message's UUID."},
"body": {"type": "object", "description": "The message body."},
"queue": {
"type": ["string", "null"],
"description": "The queue the message arrived on, if any.",
"priority": {
"type": ["integer", "null"],
"description": "The priority that the message has been sent with.",
"required": ["topic", "body"],
def load_message(message_dict):
"""Load a message from a dictionary serialization.
The dictionary must conform to the :data:`SERIALIZED_MESSAGE_SCHEMA` format.
message_dict (dict): The dictionary representing the message.
ValidationError: If the dictionary does not pass the serialization schema.
Message: The deserialized message object, as an instance of :class:`Message`
or one of its subclasses.
jsonschema.validate(message_dict, SERIALIZED_MESSAGE_SCHEMA)
except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e:
raise ValidationError(e)
MessageClass = get_class(
message_dict.get("headers", {}).get("fedora_messaging_schema", "base.message")
message = MessageClass(
severity=message_dict.get("headers", {}).get("fedora_messaging_severity"),
# Restore the sent-at header
message._headers["sent-at"] = message_dict["headers"]["sent-at"]
except KeyError:
if "id" in message_dict:
message.id = message_dict["id"]
message.queue = message_dict.get("queue")
message.priority = message_dict.get("priority")
return message
def dumps(messages):
Serialize messages to a file format acceptable for :func:`loads` or for the
publish CLI command. The format is a string where each line is a JSON
object that conforms to the :data:`SERIALIZED_MESSAGE_SCHEMA` format.
messages (list or Message): The messages to serialize. Each message in
the messages is subclass of Message.
str: Serialized messages.
ValidationError: If one of the messages provided doesn't conform to its
if isinstance(messages, Message):
messages = [messages]
serialized_messages = []
for message in messages:
except (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError, AttributeError) as e:
raise ValidationError(e)
m = {
"topic": message.topic,
"headers": message._headers,
"id": message.id,
"body": message.body,
"queue": message.queue,
"priority": message.priority,
serialized_messages.append(json.dumps(m, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True))
return "\n".join(serialized_messages) + "\n"
def loads(serialized_messages):
Deserialize messages from a file format produced by :func:`dumps`. The
format is a string where each line is a JSON object that conforms to the
serialized_messages (str): A string made up of a JSON object per line.
list: Deserialized message objects.
ValidationError: If the string isn't formatted properly or message
doesn't pass the message schema validation
messages = []
for serialized_message in serialized_messages.splitlines():
message_dict = json.loads(serialized_message)
except ValueError as e:
raise ValidationError(e)
message = load_message(message_dict)
return messages