Source code for fedora_messaging.twisted.factory

# This file is part of fedora_messaging.
# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
A Twisted Factory for creating and configuring instances of the

A factory is used to implement automatic re-connections by producing protocol
instances (connections) on demand. Twisted uses factories for its services APIs.

See the `Twisted client
documentation for more information.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import warnings
import logging

import pika
from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, error
from twisted.python import log as _legacy_twisted_log
from twisted.python.failure import Failure

from .. import config
from ..exceptions import ConnectionException
from .protocol import FedoraMessagingProtocol, FedoraMessagingProtocolV2

_std_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FedoraMessagingFactory(protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory): """Reconnecting factory for the Fedora Messaging protocol.""" name = u"FedoraMessaging:Factory" protocol = FedoraMessagingProtocol def __init__( self, parameters, confirms=True, exchanges=None, queues=None, bindings=None ): """ Create a new factory for protocol objects. Any exchanges, queues, bindings, or consumers provided here will be declared and set up each time a new protocol instance is created. In other words, each time a new connection is set up to the broker, it will start with the declaration of these objects. Args: parameters (pika.ConnectionParameters): The connection parameters. confirms (bool): If true, attempt to turn on publish confirms extension. exchanges (list of dicts): List of exchanges to declare. Each dictionary is passed to :meth:`` as keyword arguments, so any parameter to that method is a valid key. queues (list of dicts): List of queues to declare each dictionary is passed to :meth:`` as keyword arguments, so any parameter to that method is a valid key. bindings (list of dicts): A list of bindings to be created between queues and exchanges. Each dictionary is passed to :meth:``. The "queue" and "exchange" keys are required. """ self._parameters = parameters self.confirms = confirms self.exchanges = exchanges or [] self.queues = queues or [] self.bindings = bindings or [] self.consumers = {} self.client = None self._client_ready = defer.Deferred() warnings.warn( "The FedoraMessagingFactory class is deprecated and will be removed" " in fedora-messaging v2.0, please use FedoraMessagingFactoryV2 instead.", DeprecationWarning, )
[docs] def startedConnecting(self, connector): """Called when the connection to the broker has started. See the documentation of `twisted.internet.protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory` for details. """ _legacy_twisted_log.msg("Started new connection to the AMQP broker")
[docs] def buildProtocol(self, addr): """Create the Protocol instance. See the documentation of `twisted.internet.protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory` for details. """ self.resetDelay() self.client = self.protocol(self._parameters) self.client.factory = self self.client.ready.addCallback(lambda _: self._on_client_ready()) return self.client
@defer.inlineCallbacks def _on_client_ready(self): """Called when the client is ready to send and receive messages.""" _legacy_twisted_log.msg("Successfully connected to the AMQP broker.") yield self.client.resumeProducing() yield self.client.declare_exchanges(self.exchanges) yield self.client.declare_queues(self.queues) yield self.client.bind_queues(self.bindings) for queue, callback in self.consumers.items(): yield self.client.consume(callback, queue) _legacy_twisted_log.msg("Successfully declared all AMQP objects.") self._client_ready.callback(None)
[docs] def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): """Called when the connection to the broker has been lost. See the documentation of `twisted.internet.protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory` for details. """ if not isinstance(reason.value, error.ConnectionDone): _legacy_twisted_log.msg( "Lost connection to the AMQP broker ({reason})".format( reason=reason.value ), logLevel=logging.WARNING, ) if self._client_ready.called: # Renew the ready deferred, it will callback when the # next connection is ready. self._client_ready = defer.Deferred() protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
[docs] def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): """Called when the client has failed to connect to the broker. See the documentation of `twisted.internet.protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory` for details. """ _legacy_twisted_log.msg( "Connection to the AMQP broker failed ({reason})".format( reason=reason.value ), logLevel=logging.WARNING, ) protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed( self, connector, reason )
[docs] def stopTrying(self): """Stop trying to reconnect to the broker. See the documentation of `twisted.internet.protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory` for details. """ protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.stopTrying(self) if not self._client_ready.called: self._client_ready.errback( pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError( u"Could not connect, reconnection cancelled." ) )
[docs] @defer.inlineCallbacks def stopFactory(self): """Stop the factory. See the documentation of `twisted.internet.protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory` for details. """ if self.client: yield self.client.stopProducing() protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.stopFactory(self)
[docs] def consume(self, callback, queue): """ Register a new consumer. This consumer will be configured for every protocol this factory produces so it will be reconfigured on network failures. If a connection is already active, the consumer will be added to it. Args: callback (callable): The callback to invoke when a message arrives. queue (str): The name of the queue to consume from. """ self.consumers[queue] = callback if self._client_ready.called: return self.client.consume(callback, queue)
[docs] def cancel(self, queue): """ Cancel the consumer for a queue. This removes the consumer from the list of consumers to be configured for every connection. Args: queue (str): The name of the queue the consumer is subscribed to. Returns: defer.Deferred or None: Either a Deferred that fires when the consumer is canceled, or None if the consumer was already canceled. Wrap the call in :func:`defer.maybeDeferred` to always receive a Deferred. """ try: del self.consumers[queue] except KeyError: pass if self.client: return self.client.cancel(queue)
[docs] @defer.inlineCallbacks def whenConnected(self): """ Get the next connected protocol instance. Returns: defer.Deferred: A deferred that results in a connected :class:`FedoraMessagingProtocol`. """ yield self._client_ready defer.returnValue(self.client)
[docs] @defer.inlineCallbacks def publish(self, message, exchange=None): """ Publish a :class:`fedora_messaging.message.Message` to an `exchange`_ on the message broker. This call will survive connection failures and try until it succeeds or is canceled. Args: message (message.Message): The message to publish. exchange (str): The name of the AMQP exchange to publish to; defaults to :ref:`conf-publish-exchange` returns: defer.Deferred: A deferred that fires when the message is published. Raises: PublishReturned: If the published message is rejected by the broker. ConnectionException: If a connection error occurs while publishing. Calling this method again will wait for the next connection and publish when it is available. .. _exchange: """ exchange = exchange or config.conf["publish_exchange"] while True: client = yield self.whenConnected() try: yield client.publish(message, exchange) break except ConnectionException: continue
[docs]class FedoraMessagingFactoryV2(protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory): """Reconnecting factory for the Fedora Messaging protocol.""" def __init__(self, parameters, confirms=True): """ Create a new factory for protocol objects. Any exchanges, queues, or bindings provided here will be declared and set up each time a new protocol instance is created. In other words, each time a new connection is set up to the broker, it will start with the declaration of these objects. Args: parameters (pika.ConnectionParameters): The connection parameters. confirms (bool): If true, attempt to turn on publish confirms extension. """ self.confirms = confirms self.protocol = FedoraMessagingProtocolV2 self._parameters = parameters # Used to implement the when_connected API self._client_deferred = defer.Deferred() self._client = None self._consumers = {} def __repr__(self): """Return the representation of the factory as a string""" return "FedoraMessagingFactoryV2(parameters={}, confirms={})".format( self._parameters, self.confirms )
[docs] def buildProtocol(self, addr): """Create the Protocol instance. See the documentation of `twisted.internet.protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory` for details. """ self._client = self.protocol(self._parameters, confirms=self.confirms) self._client.factory = self @defer.inlineCallbacks def on_ready(unused_param=None): """Reset the connection delay when the AMQP handshake is complete.""" _std_log.debug("AMQP handshake completed; connection ready for use") self.resetDelay() self._client_deferred.callback(self._client) self._client_deferred = defer.Deferred() # Restart any consumer from previous connections that wasn't canceled # including queues and bindings, as the queue might not have been durable for consumer, queue, bindings in self._consumers.values():"Re-registering the %r consumer", consumer) yield self._client.declare_queues([queue]) yield self._client.bind_queues(bindings) yield self._client.consume(consumer.callback, consumer.queue, consumer) def on_ready_errback(failure): """If opening the connection fails or is lost, this errback is called.""" if failure.check(pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError, error.ConnectionDone): # In this case the connection failed to open. This will be called # if the TLS handshake goes wrong (likely) and it may be called if # the AMQP handshake fails. It's *probably* a problem with the # credentials. msg = ( "The TCP connection appears to have started, but the TLS or AMQP handshake " "with the broker failed; check your connection and authentication " "parameters and ensure your user has permission to access the vhost" ) wrapped_failure = Failure( exc_value=ConnectionException(reason=msg, original=failure), exc_type=ConnectionException, ) self._client_deferred.errback(wrapped_failure) else: # Some unexpected exception happened _std_log.exception( "The connection failed with an unexpected exception; please report this bug." ) self._client.ready.addCallback(on_ready) self._client.ready.addErrback(on_ready_errback) return self._client
[docs] @defer.inlineCallbacks def stopFactory(self): """Stop the factory. See the documentation of `twisted.internet.protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory` for details. """ if self._client: yield self._client.halt() protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.stopFactory(self)
[docs] def when_connected(self): """ Retrieve the currently-connected Protocol, or the next one to connect. Returns: defer.Deferred: A Deferred that fires with a connected :class:`FedoraMessagingProtocolV2` instance. This is similar to the whenConnected method from the Twisted endpoints APIs, which is sadly isn't available before 16.1.0, which isn't available in EL7. """ if self._client and not self._client.is_closed: return defer.succeed(self._client) else: return self._client_deferred
[docs] @defer.inlineCallbacks def consume(self, callback, bindings, queues): """ Start a consumer that lasts across individual connections. Args: callback (callable): A callable object that accepts one positional argument, a :class:`Message` or a class object that implements the ``__call__`` method. The class will be instantiated before use. bindings (dict or list of dict): Bindings to declare before consuming. This should be the same format as the :ref:`conf-bindings` configuration. queues (dict): The queues to declare and consume from. Each key in this dictionary is a queue, and each value is its settings as a dictionary. These settings dictionaries should have the "durable", "auto_delete", "exclusive", and "arguments" keys. Refer to :ref:`conf-queues` for details on their meanings. Returns: defer.Deferred: A deferred that fires with the list of one or more :class:`fedora_messaging.twisted.consumer.Consumer` objects. These can be passed to the :meth:`FedoraMessagingFactoryV2.cancel` API to halt them. Each consumer object has a ``result`` instance variable that is a Deferred that fires or errors when the consumer halts. The Deferred may error back with a BadDeclaration if the user does not have permissions to consume from the queue. """ expanded_bindings = collections.defaultdict(list) for binding in bindings: for key in binding["routing_keys"]: b = binding.copy() del b["routing_keys"] b["routing_key"] = key expanded_bindings[b["queue"]].append(b) expanded_queues = [] for name, settings in queues.items(): q = {"queue": name} q.update(settings) expanded_queues.append(q) protocol = yield self.when_connected() consumers = [] for queue in expanded_queues: yield protocol.declare_queues([queue]) b = expanded_bindings.get(queue["queue"], []) yield protocol.bind_queues(b) consumer = yield protocol.consume(callback, queue["queue"]) self._consumers[queue["queue"]] = (consumer, queue, b) consumers.append(consumer) defer.returnValue(consumers)
[docs] @defer.inlineCallbacks def cancel(self, consumers): """ Cancel a consumer that was previously started with consume. Args: consumer (list of fedora_messaging.api.Consumer): The consumers to cancel. """ for consumer in consumers: del self._consumers[consumer.queue] protocol = yield self.when_connected() yield protocol.cancel(consumer)